Wednesday 2 February 2011

Ground Zero

I never expected to be writing this. Up until around 12 weeks ago my life was pretty unremarkable. I was married to mellow mummy (forever immortalised as such in her friend Boat Wife's blog) with two young daughters.

Then one day everything changed. The phone rang: "Mellow Mummy isn't well. Can you come and pick her up". A trip to A&E. A week in hospital. Chest X rays. Brain Scans. CT Scans. Cancer.

The next few weeks were relentless. Another stay in hospital. More tests. Talk of Treatment. Prognosis not good, maybe 3-6 months. Radiotherapy.

Seven weeks and two days after first going in to hospital, Mellow Mummy was dead at just 43.

My life had changed..........forever.